Zawód masażysty to więcej niż praca – to sposób na łączenie pasji z możliwością niesienia ulgi innym. Jeżeli marzysz o karierze, która rozwija zarówno ciało, jak i umysł, zawód masażysty może być dla Ciebie idealnym wyborem. Ale jak rozpocząć tę podróż? Przedstawiamy...
Bodywork Blog
"Man is the meeting place of earth and sky, the meeting of body and soul."Osho
Kashmiri Tantric Massage Through the Eyes of Practitioners
In a world where we often lack authentic closeness and deep contact, Kashmiri tantric massage appears as a fascinating path to self-discovery and the other person. I recently had the opportunity to delve into this topic, listening to an incredibly...
Touch Awareness in Massage
In the world of massage and bodywork therapy we often focus on techniques, movements and procedures. However, after years of experience and practice, I have come to understand that it is not the technique that is most important, but the quality of touch that plays a key role in the healing and transformation process....